Frutal Fresh es una empresa con un diseño innovador y
vanguardista, que nace con el objetivo de adaptarse a la realidad social del
consumo de fruta y verdura de hoy, acercando este producto tan importante al
Numerosos estudios, de los que se hacen eco la OMS
(Organización Mundial de la Salud) y otras organizaciones mundiales, avalan la
necesidad de que el ser humano ingiera diariamente al menos cinco raciones de
fruta y verdura, a fin de que el cuerpo pueda obtener la energía que necesita
para proporcionar un rendimiento óptimo. Dichos estudios, por su amplia
difusión a través de los medios de comunicación, se traducen en un claro
incremento de la tendencia y la creencia en la mayoría de la población de que una
alimentación sana y adecuada, unida a la práctica diaria de ejercicio moderado,
ayuda a mejorar la calidad de vida y a evitar enfermedades graves.
Frutal Fresh , sin duda alguna, viene a sumarse a esta
tendencia, facilitando el consumo de fruta y verdura a través de diversos puntos
de venta que accesibles, cómodos, y con un diseño totalmente innovador. Frutal Fresh ofrece una variada gama de
productos de calidad, envasados de modo atractivo y adaptado a todo tipo de
necesidades: desde la venta a la manera tradicional, hasta fruta cortada y
envasada en formato mono ración, pasando por smoothies, sandwiches, ensaladas
variadas, y cremas vegetales.
Frutal Fresh is a company with an innovative design and avant-garde was born with the aim to adapt to the social reality of the consumption of fruits and vegetables from today, approaching this product so important to the consumer. Numerous studies, which are echoed in the WHO (World Health Organization) and other global organizations endorse the need for the human being eat daily at least five servings of fruits and vegetables, in order that the body be able to obtain the energy it needs to provide optimal performance.
These studies, because of its broad dissemination through the media, are translated into a clear increase in the trend and the belief in the majority of the population that a healthy and adequate diet, coupled with the daily practice of moderate exercise, helps to improve the quality of life and to avoid serious diseases.
Frutal Fresh is a company with an innovative design and avant-garde was born with the aim to adapt to the social reality of the consumption of fruits and vegetables from today, approaching this product so important to the consumer. Numerous studies, which are echoed in the WHO (World Health Organization) and other global organizations endorse the need for the human being eat daily at least five servings of fruits and vegetables, in order that the body be able to obtain the energy it needs to provide optimal performance.
These studies, because of its broad dissemination through the media, are translated into a clear increase in the trend and the belief in the majority of the population that a healthy and adequate diet, coupled with the daily practice of moderate exercise, helps to improve the quality of life and to avoid serious diseases.